A is for apples red as can be
B is for bananas as squishy as can be.
C is for cat soft as silk.
D is for duck feathery as a chicken
G is for God better then gold
H is for Hallie Hallie is nicer then being rude.
I is for ice cream tasty as candy.
J is for .jolly as Santa
K is for kite as fun as can be
L is for lion as loud as can be!
M is for mom as tired as can be.
N is for nice as can be.
O is for
P is for parrot as noisy as can be.
Q is for quilt as in Mom built a quilt.
R is for rain it rained all day!
S is for special it was a special day..
T is for tree house tree houses are fun!
U is for umbrella as for it was raining 3 days ago.
V is for violin as in
W is for windmill the windmill spins around.
X is for xylophone sweeter then pie.
Y is for yak we saw a yak onn the hill.
Z is for zebra I like zebras because they have stripes on them.